Clone GitHub Project in Android Studio

Nidhi Vanjare
Nov 6, 2020


There are very few steps you have to follow in order to clone a project in your Android Studio from GitHub.

> Go to the project repository in GitHub that you want to clone. There will be a code button at the right hand side.

> Once you click the green code button there will be 2 options by which you could clone that project.

  1. Downloading the zip file:

When you click Download Zip the file will be downloaded in you machine.

Now in Android Studio go to Open an existing Android Studio Project. This will open a finder. Go to the location where you just downloaded the file and open it.

Once you click open the project will be cloned to your Android Studio.

2. By copying the web URL :

Cpoy the link of the project from GitHub.

Open Android Studio and go to get from version control.

Paste the URL you just copied in the URL section and then click clone. You can change the name or the path of the directory.

This dialogue box will appear , click yes.

Now the project will be clone in your Android studio.

Thank You , Happy Coding !

